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Special Offer!

Bible Study Curriculum Offer To AICCS Schools

Bible Study Curriculum Offer To AICCS Schools
Dr. Curt Scarborough, president of the Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries, has written a complete chapter-by-chapter study of every book in the Bible. This 5-volume set includes 20 courses: 15 Old Testament and 5 New Testament. Using his original COME-REAP methodology, Dr. Curt has produced an extensive outline on all 1,189 chapters in the Bible. The COME-REAP curriculum analyses each chapter using four main sections:

1. Concentration: What do the chosen verses say?
2. Meditation: What does the passage mean in its context?
3. Revelation: What does the Holy Spirit reveal about the teachings and implications of
these verses, along with related Bible passages supporting these divine revelations?
4. Applications: What should I do, or how should I respond to these truths?

Each lesson contains 4 subpoints, written in complete sentences, on each of the major sections (Concentration, Meditation, Revelation, and Applications). Each of the almost twelve hundred lessons can be adapted for use as an outline for a teaching session or a Bible-based sermon. A 50-question examination is provided for each of the 20 courses. Originally completed in 2001 as the Biblical Studies track for Pillsbury College & Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, COME-REAP has been taught for more than two decades in dozens of ministry schools, with hundreds of students earning undergraduate and graduate degrees for completing their systematic study of God’s Word from cover to cover.

By special agreement with the author, the COME-REAP Biblical Studies curriculum is now being made available for purchase and use by AICCS member schools electronically, by email attachment, for only $50 per course. This agreement allows the AICCS Certified, Candidate, or Accredited school permission to print and/or distribute an unlimited number of curriculum pieces and exams for sale only to its enrolled students . . . not to other persons, schools, or institutions. The school purchasing COME-REAP is permitted to establish the price to charge
its students for curriculum books.


Free Offer to International AICCS Schools
The above offer of COME-REAP curriculum is extended to all international AICCS schools free of charge. Member schools located outside the USA may use the COME-REAP Biblical Studies Order Form to indicate the school’s location and email address to receive the desired courses at absolutely no cost. This is AICCS’s gift to the Kingdom of God around the world.

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